Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Not much to say today

"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration."
Hillary Clinton, 2003

Unless it's the current one, then if you disagree you are racist or stupid or both.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

What's in a name?

I hadn't planned on making two posts back to back, but the circumstances seemed to dictate that I do. Just to set the stage, I live in a semi-rural part of Carolina del Norte, on a wooded parcel that was once part of my Grandfather's farm, and as such has the normal sprawl of buildings, sheds and barns that southern farms acquire after years of use.  I was getting ready for work, when I saw a pickup truck drive up beside my barn behind my house. I did not recognize the truck, and then did not recognize the occupants that got out and began to look around the accumulated junk in the barn. I decided to investigate, so I put on a pair of jeans, slipped on my shoes, picked up my phone, slung my Rural Residential Defense Carbine over my back and walked outside to see what was going on. Yes, the two men were shocked at the shirtless man with the RRDC, and very politely said that they were looking to buy old cars.  I informed them that this was private property, and nothing was for sale.  They saddled up and drove off.  The barn road does look as residential as my driveway, so I am trying to not be all freaked out about it. I called the Sheriff's department, and gave them a description of the men and their truck, and told them I asked them to leave.

So now someone is asking why I don't call my collapsing stock AR-15 shorty by the name the mASS media does.  Simple.  I'm not 'assaulting' a damn thing. I'm defending my property and family.  I live in a rural residence. It is a carbine. Ergo, RRDC. 

Part two is someone will say I should have called the law and sat back and waited.  First, sitting back and watching folks I don't know poke around my house is not a strong suite of mine. Second, I know how long it takes for the good guys to get there, and I know how many deputies my local sheriff has on the road at any one time. 

Finally, for anyone else who is getting all weak kneed and peepee-panted that I was going out armed on my own property to potentially confront someone who may have been innocently trespassing with no other bad intent...


Don't lecture me about accidents, the fact that I have now introduced a gun to a situation that may not have had one before, or that I may be scaring some poor innocent and the gun on my hip or back is 'assaultive behavior'. I've worn a gun into 20 years of bar fights, domestic disturbances, and a couple of damn near riots. Tactically, two of them, one of me, they have a vehicle. So gun, yes. Long gun, yes.

Anyways, that's all the news that is news here in red clay country. Semper Gumby.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Todd's Theory of Economic Viability

I noticed today that in my change that I had two silver dimes and 3 wheat pennies. As unscientific as it sounds, my theory of how bad the economy is currently hinges on the number of older coins that find themselves back in circulation.  The idea is that everyone will inevitably have a jar in their house that collects loose change. Normally this change only heads out of said jar if it is for a 'special treat' or if you are so broke you are buying your ramen soup in a cup with loose coins. The older coins are normally near the bottom, and only go back out if it gets really tight.

Fifty cents a cup, and the self checkout doesn't judge or make faces.

Cascade Effect

I sat down with every intention of writing a blustery post about the sudden wave of anger over 'castle doctrine', which suddenly devolved into a blustery post on right to carry, which then devolved into carping about censorship, the news media in general, and the purpose of government.  This all went off the tracks once they had the shooting in New York City at the Empire State building, and the comments afterwards by Mayor Bloomberg. I ended up with more rants than my closing on a half century old public school educated 34 words a minute typing fingers could churn out quickly. I decided to begin with my most basic thoughts on the human condition.

So, I present for your edification, the story of thumbs, as told by an old cop. 

As animals go, humans have a distinct disadvantage when compared to bears, lions, alligators, and most other large animals in the world.  Humans don't have claws, or fangs, or fur.  We have brains, and opposable thumbs. Humans are tool creating and tool using animals. We adapt what we have available to us and create those things we need to survive. We use what we have to do what we want to do, what we need to do.

In the 20-someodd years I have been involved in the business of order maintenance, I have seen folks who were injured and killed by firearms. However, I have also seen my fair share of those done in by longneck beer bottles, kitchen knives, carpet and box cutters, baseball bats, two by fours, tire irons, and even the humble Number 2 pencil. That is also excluding the number one killer and maimer of American children, women, and families...the automobile. So to reel this back in a bit, laws nothwithstanding, when it comes down to it humans will find a tool to do the task at hand, and if that task is doing harm to our fellow man, whether offensive or defensive in nature, we as a species will use what we have available to us.
But wait, you cry, all these guns make it dangerous to be out in society.  So ask me where I feel safer, in my little southern town where lots of folks have carry concealed permits, or in New York City or DC or any big city with restrictive gun laws. The sidebar chatter to this is that laws are for the law abiding. If I'm going to rob you, I probably don't care that the gun I'm using is also illegal. My point here is a simple one. Laws cannot change malice in the heart of man. If I desire to kill you, if that is my goal, I will adapt to what I have available to me. The antigunners will say "But guns make it easier..." Perhaps. Will banning guns keep us from killing each other? Nope. I read just a few weeks ago that a 17 year old in China killed 8 and wounded 5 with a knife. Think about that. I also had another chance to look at the 26 ounce framing hammer in my truck, and notice how it bears a familial resemblance to the medieval war hammer I saw at the museum. Will they ban clawhammers next? It's illegal to use one as a weapon already, but if you seek to blame the tool for the actions of the guns are just tools. I am the one that will account for their usage. Me.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Target from camp

Just by way of things...

20 rounds, slow fire, out of a Ruger Mk3 at 7 yards. This was fired at the new pistol range at Cherokee Scout Reservation on 5 July 2012. Not bad for a rack pistol with no zero.

Also, if you don't know, the center of that target is 1 1/2 inches in diameter.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A new page

I sat down today and realized that I am drowning in social media. It began, oddly enough, at church last night when a friend asked me if I was ever going to approve their friend request. I replied that I would, and later I found out just how many requests I had.

A lot.

The curious part is that I found I am online more as my gaming alter-ego than I am as the real life flesh and blood bit. This, as a realization proved to be rather disconcerting. So after reading some blogs written by old friends, I decided to push meatspace me back out into the world and do some writing for me as me. Given the state of the world, I decided that I should do what so many others have done and foist my opinions out on the internet for the amusement and derision of all.

So let me begin with this...if you are an NRA member, you should start shooting a qualification course. ( I started on the Light Rifle course while at Scout Camp, and hopefully soon I will earn the one thing I dearly wanted as a military High Power Rifle shooter...that little gold Distinguished Expert pin.  Ok, for those of you in the audience going "Not the same!" I concur.  It isn't the same, but it is a sign that I shot the score with one rifle or another on one course or another. I plan on starting on the pistol course next, so I can add that to the resume. This year qualification for the PD went well enough, and I can say that even in my current state of non-practice and physical decrepitude I can still shoot a score in the mid to high 90s on the NC BLET course.

Nearly forgot. If someone is curious about the title (and I'm sure since no one much is reading this that you aren't, but...) it is from one of my old favorite jokes...What's the difference between fairy tales and police/military stories? One begins "Once upon a time..." and the other begins "This is no sh*t, there I was...".